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Alerts & Notices (Alertas)

Section 8 Contract Administrators

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) serves as the Section 8 Performance Based Contract Administrator (PBCA) for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As the PBCA, PHFA is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Conduct Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs)
  • Process and Approve Rent Adjustment Requests
  • Process and Approved Monthly HAP Vouchers
  • Process and Approve/Adjust/Deny Special Claim Requests
  • Process Section 8 Contract Renewals
  • Respond to Resident Inquiries

PHFA has partnered with Pennsylvania Multifamily Asset Managers (PMAM) to perform certain tasks. PMAM, in its role as PHFA’s subcontractor, conducts MORs, processes rent adjustments and contract renewals and responds to resident inquiries.

PHFA is implementing a secure portal to submit documents. This applies to owner and management agents of Section 8 (PBCA), Section 8 (TCA special claims only) and Section 811 contracts in Pennsylvania. Please review the instructions below for submitting documents using the portal. Please email all questions to

Forms and Instructions

Management and Occupancy Reviews

Rent Adjustment and Renewals

Rent adjustments and/or Renewal submissions should be submitted directly to PMAM.

For more information, please review PMAM's Frequently Asked Questions.

Guides and forms necessary to process a rent adjustment and renewal can be found on HUD's Multifamily Housing Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide web page.

Voucher Processing

The voucher record and applicable tenant files must be transmitted electronically to PHFA's iMAX address TRACM00722.
NOTE: The submission of paper vouchers is no longer required.

If you need to information to obtain a new TRACS/iMAX ID, please send an email request to

Special Claims

Housing Assistance Payments

All payments are transferred to the bank account indicated on the Direct Deposit Form 1199A. Electronic email notifications are automatically sent when the deposit is made.

Reminder: PHFA receives payments from HUD on the first business day of the month. Funds are sent to your account the same day and, in most cases, posted the next business day.

Please submit these documents using PHFA’s secure portal at

  • If you do not receive a monthly notification that the HAP payment was wired to your account.
  • A change in your financial institution.Requires a new 1199A form
  • A change to your direct deposit account.Requires a new 1199A form
  • A change in any other information on your direct deposit form.Requires a new 1199A form

Change of Ownership or Management Agent

If you are a new owner or your property changes to a new management agent, please submit the required documents listed below so PHFA is able to update its system. Please submit these documents to the Secure Portal via the instructions listed above.

If you change ownership of the property, please submit the following:

  • Fully executed Assignment and Assumption of HAP Contract
  • W-9 Form
  • Fully executed Management Agent Certification – HUD Form 9839-A, HUD Form 9839-B or HUD Form 9839-C
  • DUNS Certification
  • 1199a
  • PHFA Contact Sheet

If you change management agent, please submit the following:

  • Fully executed Management Agent Certification – HUD Form 9839-A, HUD Form 9839-B or HUD Form 9839-C
  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
  • 1199a
  • PHFA Contact Sheet


Contact Information

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency

211 North Front Street
PO Box 8029
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Pennsylvania Multifamily Asset Managers

Submit all Rent Adjustment, Renewal Requests, Tenant Inquiries, and MOR Responses to the following:

4520 East-West Highway, Suite 310
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 301.652.8778
Fax: 877.807.2021


Please forward all Reserve for Replacement Requests and Residual Receipts Requests to your HUD Account Executive:

HUD – Philadelphia
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3380
Phone: 215.656.0500
Fax: 215.656.3427
HUD – Pittsburgh
William Moorhead Federal Building
1000 Liberty Ave, Suite 1000
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4004
Phone: 412.644.6428
Fax: 412.644.5872
HUD – West Virginia
405 Capitol St, Suite 708
Charleston, WV 25301-1795
Phone: 304.347.7000
Fax: 304.347.7050
HUD – Baltimore
City Crescent Building
10 S Howard St, 5th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201-2505

Resident Inquiries

Residents are encouraged to present their issues, concerns and problems to on-site management first and then to follow any grievance procedure developed by the property before contacting our office, in order to allow management an opportunity to respond to their concerns.

Please be advised that we must refrain from involvement in: disputes involving third parties, lawsuits involving residents and owners and/or management agents, eviction matters, and interpretations of local laws and ordinances.

Resident concerns may be submitted by using our toll free number or by sending an email.

Resident Inquiries (Toll Free) Phone: 1.877.253.7709

Resident Inquiry Email: